Infinite Discs

Infinite Discs Halo S-Blend Roman

Color | Foil | Weight: Yellow | Silver Foil | 175g
Yellow | Silver Foil | 175g
Purple | Rainbow Foil | 175g
Red | Black Foil | 175g
Purple | Blue Foil | 175g
Orange/Yellow | Rainbow Foil | 175g

$19.99 $22.99 Save $3

Profile: Dome

Speed: 10 | Glide: 4 | Turn: 0 | Fade: 3

The Infinite Discs Roman is a power driver, designed to provide unrivaled control and a dependable trajectory in all weather conditions. It's designed for experienced players, but even beginners can benefit from its dependable overstable flight for windy conditions and flex shots. With the ability to enhance accuracy on both backhand and forehand throws, the Roman is an exceptional choice for any player looking for consistent reliability.