MVP Twisty James Conrad Neutron Zenith

Color | Foil | Weight: Purple | Jelly Bean | 168g
Purple | Jelly Bean | 168g
Pink | Jelly Bean Foil | 169g
Lime Green | Gold Prism Foil | 172g
Orange | Money Foil | 172g
Lime Green | Money Foil | 174g

$18.95 $22.95 Save $4

James Conrad’s Twisty James Zenith is now available via wholesale! The control distance driver designed by James Conrad himself is a reliable companion for accurate distance. Designed to complement the stability of James’ Photons, the Neutron Zenith is reliably stable for players of all arm speeds - ranging from a dependable wind fighter or a laser-straight bomber, depending on arm speed. Twisty James is a delightful stamp from the wickedly talented DoubleRam Design, grab yours and support James Conrad’s tour!
Speed: 11 | Glide: 5 | Turn: -0.5 | Fade: 2